IT Solution
Fulltime 1 Tahun Rp. 5.000.000,00 - 5.500.000,00 /bulan

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Deskripsi Pekerjaan : 

  • Dokumen Implementasi
  • Terus update dengan  pruduk yang sudah ada
  • Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pelanggan .Memberikan solusi yang disarankan kepada pelanggan
  • Melakukan integrasi/kustomisasi untuk setiap aplikasi/solusi yang diusulkan
  • Menyediakan dokumentasi implementasi

Persyaratan :

  • Memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun dalan bidang programming
  • Memiliki pengalaman dengan minimal satu bahasa programming
  • Memiliki pemikiran analitis dan logis yang baik
  • Memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang konsep dasar pemrograman dan SDLC
  • Memiliki kemampuan presentasi yang baik


Job Description :

  • Implementation documentation
  • Keep updated with new and existing product
  • Identifying requirement for the customer Demonstrate proposed solutions to customers
  • Perform integration/customization for any proposed application/solution
  • Provide implementation documentation
  • Bersedia bekerja di sektor perbankan dan keuangan

Requirement :

  • Min. 1 years of programming experience
  • Have experience with at least one programming language
  • Have experience with database
  • Have good analytical and logical thinking
  • Have good understanding of basic programming concept and SDLC
  • Having good presentation skill
  • Willing to work in banking and financial Sector


PT Global Infotech Solution Jakarta Pusat, DKI JAKARTA
Tentang Perusahaan:

PT Global Infotech Solution, a leading system integrator company in Indonesia, delivers comprehensive business solutions across multiple industries. Established in 2015, we have rapidly grown and evolved as a trusted innovative technology services provider partner for organizations. Here, our team of experts employs cutting-edge technologies to support your organization's unique requirements and needs as well as to address your organization-specific challenges. We cover a wide spectrum of business solutions ranging from infrastructure development and optimization with the goal of ensuring seamless operations and maximum efficiency for your organization. In addition to infrastructure, we also specialize in network solutions that empower businesses to connect and communicate efficiently. 

In order to enable businesses to streamline their operations and enhance productivity, we offer Business Application solutions for your organization. Moreover, by recognizing the importance of cloud computing, PT Global Infotech Solution provides Cloud Solutions enabling organizations to leverage this technology's power as well as ensure cost-effectiveness and scalability. We also prioritize cybersecurity to protect your organization's sensitive data and assets from evolving cyber threats. At PT Global Infotech Solution, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer satisfaction. Our team of skilled professionals possesses extensive experience in handling projects across various industries, providing tailored and cost-effective solutions that drive business growth.

Nomor Registrasi 1234xxxx
Jumlah Karyawan 100-500
Lokasi Jakarta Pusat, DKI JAKARTA
Waktu Rata-rata Proses Lamaran -
Industri IT/Komputer - Jaringan/Sistem/Sistem Database
Manfaat dan lainnya -

Foto Perusahaan

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